**Please read the following if you want more episodes !**
[Isshoni H Shiyo](http://chichinoya.jp/chichi/common/issyoni/product.html) volume one, Akina Miyazawa's chapter.
Translated by myself from french to english since I'm part of the french joint working on this hentai (and project leader btw).
I can translate the remaining episodes but I'm looking for people (english or american native speakers) to help me making the scripts sounds more english ^^.
The dudes (from a famous hentai fansubbing group) that helped me with this first episode won't do it again, because they don't have the time to (real life issues whatever...)
Only one or two people is needed, please e-mail me if you are interested/think you can help :
[email protected]
You can also [donate through my blog](http://finalfan51.free.fr/ffs/?page_id=12) if you don't have something better to do lol!
Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to read this ;)
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