[center]**[ADV] [かったーのアダルト天国] 怪鬼封印奇譚 / [Cutter's adult Heaven] A Tale of a Sealed Monster**
**Title / タイトル:** 怪鬼封印奇譚 / A Tale of a Sealed Monster
**Brand / ブランド:** かったーのアダルト天国 / Cutter's adult Heaven
**Release / 販売日:** 2017/01/30
**File size / ファイル容量:** 100MB
[![](http://imageteam.org/upload/small/2017/11/10/5a0591c8196b3.jpg)](http://imageteam.org/img-5a0591c8196eb.html) [![](http://dimtus.com/upload/small/2017/11/10/5a0591cebf47d.jpg)](http://dimtus.com/img-5a0591cebf49e.html) [![](http://damimage.com/upload/small/2017/11/10/5a0591da0801d.jpg)](http://damimage.com/img-5a0591da08056.html)
The player takes the role of Gochoku, an exterminator who specializes in eliminating evil spirits of rivers and mountains.
The exterminator is tasked with removing the malevolence caused by spirits that broke free from a seal that is weakening.
The game is played by turning over panels in order to find the malevolence and purge it.
The more malevolence you purge the more experience you will get, which you can use to power up at the shrine.
Shizuka is a shrine maiden who will heal Gochoku's wounds when he visits the shrine.
As you search for malevolence you will find a variety of medicinal herbs,
and if you repeatedly defeat the same malevolence you will learn how to perform a combo attack (to lower stamina).
Created with LiveMaker
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