[SLG] [A2-WiNG] DQ SLG HAREM V Ver.004

2017-11-15 20:13 UTC
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853.6 MiB
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[center]**[SLG] [A2-WiNG] DQ SLG HAREM V Ver.004** [![](http://imageteam.org/upload/small/2017/09/16/59bd96294c303.jpg)](http://imageteam.org/img-59bd96294c33b.html) **Information:** **Title / タイトル:** DQ SLG HAREM V **Brand / ブランド:** A2-WiNG **Release / 販売日:** 2017/09/16 **File size / ファイル容量:** 853MB [![](http://imageteam.org/upload/small/2017/09/16/59bd963a223a3.jpg)](http://imageteam.org/img-59bd963a223db.html) [![](http://imgtornado.com/upload/small/2017/09/16/59bd96482ebe4.jpg)](http://imgtornado.com/img-59bd96482ec1a.html) [![](http://dimtus.com/upload/small/2017/09/16/59bd964a2de00.jpg)](http://dimtus.com/img-59bd964a2de3a.html) [![](http://main.imgclick.net/i/01019/lvgtnrgoozhd_t.jpg)](http://imgclick.net/lvgtnrgoozhd/RJ207902_04.jpg.html) Heroines of the ages unite together in one work! A Region Control Simulation RPG on the scale of Kingdom vs Kingdom. 4X [eXXXplore, eXXXpand, eXXXploit, and eXXXterminate!] A kingdom on the outskirts of the continent. Protected by a great natural fortress, the subjects need not fear of invasion by monsters nor bandits. The ruler of that kingdom, a young male beastmaster. One day, a wealthy man and his daughter come to visit the young man and inform him that danger approaches his kingdom. In order to change the fate of worldwide destruction, the young man, his loyal girls and soldiers stand up to fight against the great demon lord's armies... That young man's name is Ton*nura... In the past, he spent years in monster captivity and is a virgin Some of the subjects in his kingdom call him the Cherry King... There are seven evil factions to the great demon lord's army... Darkness. Tyranny. Nightmare. Hate. Heresy. Destruction. Hell. The protagonist, girls and evil beings, monsters and soldiers. Their tales overlap and combine, intertwining to weave a story... * The ending will change depending on your intimacy with the girls! * 27 different erotic events (with reminiscence) in total * Each time you start a New Game+, a certain item will increase. [spoiler=作品内容]歴代のヒロイン達が集結 国家総戦力戦の地域制圧型シミュレーションRPG 大陸の片隅にある王国。 天然の防壁のおかげで誰もが魔物からの侵略にも怯えることなく暮らしていた。 その王国を治めるのは魔物使いの青年。 とある日、ある富豪とその娘が青年を訪ねてくると その富豪は王国に危機が迫っていることを青年に伝える。 青年は滅びゆく世界の運命を大きく変えようと、 少女達と共に軍を率いて大魔王軍に立ち向かうことに… その青年の名前はトン○ヌラ… 長い年月魔物に囚われた過去を持ち童貞で、民達の一部からは童貞王と呼ばれています… 大魔王軍には邪悪なる者の勢力が7つ… 闇。暴君。虚夢。憎悪。邪教。破壊。地獄。 主人公、少女や邪悪なる者、魔物や兵士達。 幾つもの物語が交錯する。 ★少女との絆の深さでエンディングが変わる! ★Hイベント回想あり(全27種類) ★周回するごとに、あるアイテムが増えていきます。[/spoiler][/center]

File list

  • [SLG] [A2-WiNG] DQ SLG HAREM V Ver.004
    • manual
      • image
        • image.jpg (11.2 KiB)
        • manual.jpg (2.6 MiB)
      • index.html (1.9 KiB)
    • omake
      • gloval.sav (1.4 KiB)
      • readme.txt (496 Bytes)
    • 00.ns2 (825.7 MiB)
    • DQSLG.exe (614.5 KiB)
    • dqslg_demo.wmv (21.3 MiB)
    • nscript.dat (3.1 MiB)
    • nsogg2.dll (240.0 KiB)
    • readme.txt (4.1 KiB)