![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/JosdXug.jpg "Logo Title Text 1")
Titolo: Suite Life
Titolo Originale: スイート ライフ
Uscita: 22/12/2017
Since the uploader put as little info as possible into this torrent to try and bait people into signing up on his website I'll do what he should have done and actually provide a link to the game on a legit site:
I did not understand your problem. The game can be downloaded from here without going to any other site. The fact that there is a link to the site does not mean that you are forced to go there. That said, as I noted I added a file where I recommend the purchase after trying the game and if you visit the recommended site there is also a link to Getchu where to buy the game. If you're really honest, I'll give you two tips:
1 Get informed before writing.
2 Switch from every file on the site because I doubt that all the other uploaders have put the link where to buy what they share.
Comments - 2
italyvn (uploader)