**Title**: Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road
**Original title**: 辻堂さんの純愛ロード
**Length**: Long (30 - 50 hours)
**Year**: Japan 2012-09-28, English Patch 2018-03-19
**Developer**: Minato Carnival
**Publishers**: Minato Carnival
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
**Translation**: [Tsurezure Scans](https://tsurezurescans.wordpress.com/2018/03/19/tsujidou-san-no-junai-road-update-40-full-patch/)
Hiroshi was a student at Inamura Academy in Kanagawa Shounan and became interested in his delinquent classmate Tsujidou-san after seeing her help a kitty in the rain. But everyone around her are also delinquents, including her rivals Maki and Renna. The life of an ordinary guy like him just got a lot more troubled!
1. You need to change locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install.
3. [Tsujidou References List](http://txt.do/dgme3)
**!!!** Tsurezure Scans's official torrent release of the English patch: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2455254 Also includes walkthrough.
**!!!** docx format walkthrough by Shaun: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ahu1U0RbQuKJ7EC77QgU4KznoHn7
You got any kind of error pop up message? Try Force Re-Check the torrent and start without cracking. You should be able to able to run it without using the cracker.
The .exe trey provided is bad, use this one. https://mega.nz/#!RcJCVDTb!ykeEqEa9W-BJrqLBo9YSIzspte8qeHKkU0xUmjcgZqw
Paste both in the game folder
Start cracker.exe
Drop the new one from above in the cracker
kiwianimefan: You can also try run as admin and moving the game folder to another local disk, if Force Re-Check is not helping.
masterchii: It looks like you downloaded a different torrent. The game here is already pre-patched and cracked. You do not need to patch and crack it.
dm-san: Just tested and TsurezureScans' exe is working for me after cracking it. They did not provide a bad file. It is the exe file from the latest update Ver1.03 and it's legit. What you posted is a game exe from 2012 version. Both files, yours and TsurezureScans' should work without problem, except the few bugs in the old version.
Downloaded this version and the other one with the crack but it doesn't work, it says " a debugger has been found running in your system please uload it from memory and restart your program " , can someone help me please ?
Antivirus program issue(Probably AVG?). Turn it off or add the game folder/exe as exception. If you still can't run the game, Force Re-Check the torrent.
I have made a walkthrough guide myself, it is in docx format (this is my OneDrive folder that is read only): https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ahu1U0RbQuKJ7EC77QgU4KznoHn7
Let me know if anyone has any problems with the file.
I basically took the walkthrough guide that was in excel format and used Microsoft Word 2007.
The game works fine but I keep getting a "save/already.dat permission denied" and "save/setting.dat permission denied"when I start/close it and settings keep resetting. I'm already running it as admin. Any fix for this?
Morningstar: Looks like it's not going to be possible to make a working pre-patched version, unless I manage to somehow recreate the error everyone is getting.
@superelmo Was the version of KonoSora you posted the English version patched? I say because Pabloc's post on Fuwa provided another, smaller, translation patch for the original Japanese version(smaller obviously as nothing was cut in the first place). Would that, Japanese version with patch, work better?
@supereImo I think I found a torrent of the All ages Moe version looking through my files. I uploaded it on dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8za7t1omozx646m/%28All-age%29%20%5B130628%5D%20%5BEnglish%5D%20%5BMoeNovel%5D%20IF%20MY%20HEART%20HAD%20WINGS%20%28rr3%29.torrent?dl=0
Game still crashing on blacklog even while on admin wtf, last night it was working fine I wake up this morning and the game had skipped way ahead and now it constantly crashes. No idea what happened lmao
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superelmo (uploader)
superelmo (uploader)
superelmo (uploader)
superelmo (uploader)
superelmo (uploader)
superelmo (uploader)