lmfao, its under the name "mosaic field" category "material" highlight the damn thing and export the dump for it.
You can go check out the thread on F95 for my uploaded uncensor. Working on the android version as I type this.
thanks for that mod. i got the dump from the one you gave and compared it to the original to try and find what exactly you changed and they were the same. maybe the asset extractor is not working properly for me or something. was there supposed to be an entry something like "blocksize = 1" ? I only got this:
0 Material Base
1 string m_Name = "MosaicField"
0 PPtr<Shader> m_Shader
0 SInt32 m_FileID = 0
0 SInt32 m_PathID = 8
0 UnityPropertySheet m_SavedProperties
0 map m_TexEnvs
0 Array Array (0 items)
0 SInt32 size = 0
0 map m_Floats
0 Array Array (0 items)
0 SInt32 size = 0
0 map m_Colors
0 Array Array (5 items)
0 SInt32 size = 5
0 pair data
0 FastPropertyName first
1 string name = ""
0 ColorRGBA second
0 float r = -1.#QNAN0
0 float g = 0.000000
0 float b = 0.000000
0 float a = 0.000000 with a few of the last color section repeated
I believe that is a faulty dump export.
I'm not going to paste the entirety of the dump, but you should have the line...
0 map m_Floats
0 Array Array (18 items)
0 int size = 18
0 pair data
1 string first = "_BlockSize"
0 float second = 12.200000
Considering the data from your dump is similar, I would again say you aren't using the right asset extractor.
Try looking on github for AssetsBundleExtractor v2.2
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