Sabbat of the Witch / Sanoba Witch / サノバウィッチ [English, Japanese, Adult Version]

2018-10-28 00:51 UTC
File size:
4.1 GiB
Info hash:
![alt text]( **Title**: Sanoba Witch **Original title**: サノバウィッチ **Length**: Long (30 - 50 hours) **Year**: Japan 2015-02-27, English Version 2018-10-26 **Developer**: Yuzusoft **Publishers**: NekoNyan **Language**: English, Japanese **Voice**: Japanese **With Mosaics** **Description**: ![alt text]( **Important**: 1. No need to install. **!!!** Patch v1.24 - (extract in game folder) **Screenshots**: ![alt text]( ![alt text]( ![alt text](

File list

  • Sabbat of the Witch
    • Omake
      • 4koma
        • Sanoba 4koma Theater #1 - Dress-Up Nene [ENG SUB].mp4 (5.0 MiB)
        • Sanoba 4koma Theater #2 - This Backstory is a Work of Fiction [ENG SUB].mp4 (6.7 MiB)
        • Sanoba 4koma Theater #3 - Everyone Loves Otokonoko [ENG SUB].mp4 (4.7 MiB)
        • Sanoba 4koma Theater #4 - Waste Not, Want Not [ENG SUB].mp4 (5.5 MiB)
        • Sanoba 4koma Theater #5 - Himematsu Academy's Rock Band Club [ENG SUB].mp4 (7.2 MiB)
      • Desktop_Wallpaper
        • Wallpaper 1920x1080
          • Meguru_Lewd1080p.png (2.4 MiB)
          • Title_Background.png (2.6 MiB)
          • Touko_LewdHD.png (2.2 MiB)
          • Tsumugi_Nene_Lewd1080p.png (2.5 MiB)
          • sanoba_background.png (1.6 MiB)
        • Wallpaper 1920x1200
          • Meguru_Lewd16x10.png (2.5 MiB)
          • Title_Background.png (2.8 MiB)
          • Touko_Lewd16x10.png (2.3 MiB)
          • Tsumugi_Nene_Lewd16x10.png (2.7 MiB)
        • Wallpaper 2560x1440
          • Meguru_Lewd1440p.png (4.1 MiB)
          • Title_Background.png (4.5 MiB)
          • Touko_Lewd2K.png (3.7 MiB)
          • Tsumugi_Nene_Lewd1440p.png (4.4 MiB)
        • Wallpaper 3840x2160
          • Meguru_Lewd4K.png (8.2 MiB)
          • Title_Background.png (8.8 MiB)
          • Touko_Lewd4K.png (7.5 MiB)
          • Tsumugi_Nene_Lewd4K.png (8.9 MiB)
      • Mobile_Wallpaper
        • Wallpaper 1080x1920
          • Meguru2_LewdHD.png (2.3 MiB)
          • Nene_Lewd1.png (2.7 MiB)
          • Nene_LewdWitchHD.png (2.1 MiB)
          • Nene_Tsumugi_Lwed1.png (2.3 MiB)
          • Nene_WitchHD.png (2.4 MiB)
          • Touko_Lewd_norm.png (2.1 MiB)
          • Touko_Meguru_Bunny.png (2.2 MiB)
          • Tsumugi1.png (1.7 MiB)
          • Tsumugi2.png (1.7 MiB)
          • Tsumugi_WitchHD.png (2.0 MiB)
        • Wallpaper 1444x2560
          • Meguru2_Lewd2K.png (4.0 MiB)
          • Nene_Lewd1.png (4.7 MiB)
          • Nene_LewdWitch2K.png (3.7 MiB)
          • Nene_Tsumugi_Lwed1.png (4.0 MiB)
          • Nene_Witch2K.png (4.2 MiB)
          • Touko_Lewd2K.png (3.6 MiB)
          • Touko_Meguru_Bunny.png (3.8 MiB)
          • Tsumugi1.png (3.1 MiB)
          • Tsumugi2.png (3.1 MiB)
          • Tsumugi_Witch2K.png (3.4 MiB)
        • Wallpaper 2160x3840
          • Meguru2_Lewd4K.png (8.2 MiB)
          • Nene_Lewd1.png (9.6 MiB)
          • Nene_LewdWitch4K.png (7.5 MiB)
          • Nene_Tsumugi_Lwed1.png (8.2 MiB)
          • Nene_Witch4K.png (8.8 MiB)
          • Touko_Lewd4K.png (7.6 MiB)
          • Touko_Meguru_Bunny.png (7.4 MiB)
          • Tsumugi1.png (6.2 MiB)
          • Tsumugi2.png (6.2 MiB)
          • Tsumugi_Witch4K.png (6.6 MiB)
      • Sanoba Witch - Opening.mp4 (40.6 MiB)
    • plugin
      • AlphaMovie.dll (170.0 KiB)
      • KAGParserEx.dll (196.0 KiB)
      • PackinOne.dll (587.5 KiB)
      • SteamDrawDevice.dll (146.5 KiB)
      • drawdeviceD3D.dll (787.5 KiB)
      • drawdeviceD3DZ.dll (820.0 KiB)
      • extNagano.dll (236.0 KiB)
      • extrans.dll (232.0 KiB)
      • getLangName.dll (58.0 KiB)
      • getSample.dll (96.0 KiB)
      • k2compat.dll (93.0 KiB)
      • kagexopt.dll (64.0 KiB)
      • krkrsteam.dll (150.0 KiB)
      • krmovie.dll (272.0 KiB)
      • kztouch.dll (120.0 KiB)
      • layerExDraw.dll (395.0 KiB)
      • layerExSave.dll (156.0 KiB)
      • menu.dll (136.0 KiB)
      • motionplayer.dll (1.1 MiB)
      • multiimage.dll (206.0 KiB)
      • psbfile.dll (192.5 KiB)
      • shellExecute.dll (96.0 KiB)
      • squirrel.dll (492.0 KiB)
      • textrender.dll (216.0 KiB)
      • varfile.dll (75.0 KiB)
      • wfTypicalDSP.dll (1.1 MiB)
      • win32dialog.dll (298.5 KiB)
      • win32ole.dll (224.0 KiB)
      • windowEx.dll (213.0 KiB)
      • wuopus.dll (274.5 KiB)
      • wuvorbis.dll (514.5 KiB)
      • yuzuex.dll (106.5 KiB)
    • (277 Bytes)
    • SabbatOfTheWitch.exe (4.2 MiB)
    • adult.xp3 (896.7 MiB)
    • bgimage.xp3 (158.8 MiB)
    • bgm.xp3 (158.5 MiB)
    • data.xp3 (226.0 MiB)
    • evimage.xp3 (437.6 MiB)
    • fgimage.xp3 (147.5 MiB)
    • scn.xp3 (101.9 MiB)
    • video.xp3 (779.1 MiB)
    • voice.xp3 (994.8 MiB)
Yeeeeesss!! YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!! ahem I mean Thank you.
thanks fam i had to make an acc just to thank you and i also finished quartett from you .saw this post 5 min after you posted this torrent
Amazing game! Works perfectly, thanks!!
Been Waiting for this!! Thanks a lot Superelmo
Awesome! Thanks Elmo. Although the download speed is rather slow. Nothing to do with my Internet.
My avast detected the .exe as a malware, but Im pretty sure it's a false positive. Thanks Elmo
That was fast! Thanks for the game! Too bad its not a installer...

superelmo (uploader)

kiwianimefan: If you want better download speed wait at least until there's more seeders than leechers before start downloading. Not that it will guarantee you the best speed possible, but it's more likely that you'll connect to more seeders and if you're lucky they'll have good upload speed without limiting their upload in their torrent client's settings. Plus, they wont upload to lots of other users and you'll be able to download faster from them.
Thank you, can't believe I can actually play this in ENG now. Yuzusoft is love.
AAAAAAAAAAAA thankyou kindly. wait is there no "continue voice after advancing text" option? or where is it anyone F E:its "Clip voice playback"

superelmo (uploader)

pgerryan: Yes, it is false positive.
Will there be uncensored version?

superelmo (uploader)

"Unfortunately there's nothing drawn beneath the mosaics, so it's not an option." -from NekoNyan site
Yep. I'm also getting an error from avast too.. Hopefully a false positive

superelmo (uploader)

Anyone else running into random issues with it not able to allocate memory for bitmaps? This has happened twice so far and it fails to allocate memory on the first try every time. Ah looks like it's a problem in the original JP version too @supereImo I recommend mentioning the bitmap issue the game randomly has so people know about it before they download it, for some reason the game is unable to purge the memory used for the bitmaps and ends up running out of memory after a while (after about 1.5GB of memory is used by the program), this causes random crashes and forces you to restart the game although for both times it was able to resume fine after the 2nd "Yes" (as in it was able to resume and not lose your place) as saying "No" will close the game.
You two should really stop using Avast (or AVG etc, anything free basically as they're all trash) as it is a very bad antivirus and is known to give many false positives plus they're resource hogs, use the antivirus that comes with Windows 10 if you're on Windows 10 that is as you will never need anything better.
The game has been updated to 1.1 The patch improves memory management, and fixes bugs and typos.
So the Uploader needs to either provide a patch for the update or update the torrent files to the latest version. The memory issue is very annoying to deal with as well.
@burunara That update appears to be only related to the MangaGamer version as this version appears to be from NekoNyan and the version is 1.20 which is newer than what MangaGamer has.
Avast, Norton,Kaspersky; if you told anyone in 2012 that windows will have preinstalled antivir better than those then noone would believe you.

superelmo (uploader)

Patch updating the game to v1.21(link in the description): - A number of typos have been fixed - Fixed an issue that caused an error when trying to load a save that was created right after using the jump back feature - Memory management has been improved
@TeaToasterBaginns Except it's 2018 and Windows 10 comes with a very good antivirus program built in that is way better than those free antivirus that are resource hogs and have way more false positives then they should.
That patch doesn't really fix anything, memory issue is still a problem and wasn't fixed at all if anything it might've made the memory issue worse.
I'm very sure that patch only makes the memory issue worse, it only causes the problem to happen more often, I don't recommend anyone to use it.


@Shaun thanks. I haven't started playing yet, hope they would fix this problem.
@shu From what I understand they was never able to fix the issue on the Japanese version and they only started to try and fix it because of the complaints the Steam version is getting but they still aren't able to fix it, it's probably not something they can fix. They really shouldn't be charging $29.99 for this visual novel when it has a very annoying memory issue, they should charge no more than $9.99 for it.
A v1.22 patch was released a few days ago which apparently solved the memory issue.
Someone would have to get a copy of the patch and try it out to see if it actually fixes the issue.

superelmo (uploader)

Patch updating the game to v1.23(link in the description): - Fixed a small bug that sometimes caused the game to crash - Fixed an issue with the CG Gallery where some CGs wouldn't show up - A small number of typos have been fixed !!! No memory leak, at least for me.
Thanks for the upload!
@shaun Why are you even complaining about the price? Youre here pirating it, doesnt concern you if the game is expensive. Bugs are also common in most games, they get patched in days or weeks -not a reason to drop the price into 1/3 of the original. Cut them some slack.
So, after playing for some days (and getting some memory crashes), my game literally died the other day. It just crashed and everytime I try to open it it pops up a sign reading "不明なエラーが発生しました" (A strange error has occurred). Downloading all the memory patches I've seen does nothing. However, installing the patch downloaded from the official yuzusoft site changes the error to this: (I'm assuming it changes cause it replaces the .exe). I've been trying to fix this for almost a week but nothing so far. Does anyone know of any solution to this? PS: If it helps, last time the game crashed the pop-up error was in japanese and it disappeared too fast, but it said something of "Save". Also, before the crash, the game wouldn't let me load/q.load, and saving wouldn't work either

superelmo (uploader)

I see more than 1 patch files. Try removing all patch files from your game folder and use only the one in the description. Also, Force Re-check the torrent or replace manually the Yuzusoft exe with the one from the English version, if you haven't done that already. The Yuzosoft patch should not work with the English version. Also, try deleting/backup your save folder. C:\Users\"User Name"\AppData\Roaming\Yuzusoft\NekoNyan\SabbatOfTheWitch
Bro thanks a lot. I did the first and last thing u said and now it works just like before. Thanks and much more thanks.
The game was just updated on steam, care to upload the new patch?

superelmo (uploader)

It only fixes typos. If someone else wants to post it I'll update the description. I'm probably not going to do it, at least for now.
Someone actually checked, it also fixes some mistranslations. However he didn't want to upload it. I'll thank you forever if you do upload it.

superelmo (uploader)

Patch updating the game to v1.24(link in the description).
OST available for those interested lossless - lossy -
Ignore lossy OST above. Lossless is fine. Updated:
Thank you.
tyvm~ ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
Thank you.
Thank you very much sidegra