Ninja Girl and the Mysterious Army of Urban Legend Monsters! ~Hunt of the Headless Horseman~ パッケージ版
ブランド / Brand: Code:jp
発売日 / Release Date: 2019/06/28
ファイルサイズ / File Size: 1.33GB
紹介ページ / Information: [http://codejp.com/ninja-project](http://codejp.com/ninja-project)
紹介ページ / Information: [http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=1047878](http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=1047878)
紹介ページ / Information: [https://bbs.mikocon.com/thread-41462-1-1.html](https://bbs.mikocon.com/thread-41462-1-1.html) │ [bishoujo](http://bishoujo.moe)
File list
(一般ゲーム) [190628] [Code:jp] Ninja Girl and the Mysterious Army of Urban Legend Monsters! ~Hunt of the Headless Horseman~ パッケージ版 (iso+mds+rr3).rar (1.3 GiB)
I'm pretty sure that it will reach a larger audience here, in sukebei. Most eroge/vn players dwell here, and there is not so many allages pc games anyway. クダンノフォークロア and ことのはアムリラート were uploaded here too. File has (一般ゲーム) in it so it is obviously not 18+. nyaa.si is mostly for console and translated games anyway, so personally I don't pay attention to its content.
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