[Fantasy Factory]Patreon 2020年7月赞助内容 Xiaoding 小丁

2020-09-17 07:19 UTC
File size:
3.0 GiB
Info hash:
Not mine, Read the information for source. I know the owner doesn't like her work being leaked, but in all honesty, I actually never even heard about fantasy factory until this hilarious saga played out where the owner blames the mainland chinese for her work being leaked and bans them, leading to revenge seeding by the mainland chinese, getting to the top of sukebei's seeder list for real life photosets. Personally think this whole scenario is playing into our 小丁 advantage, controversy is great publicity, even the extremely controversial requirement of real life identification to receive the highest tiers of patreon photosets. 个人觉得惡意散播是一件好事,毕竟这是免费的宣传,谁不要?我根本就没听说过 fantasy factory,直到这段搞笑的传奇上演了,散发的也没有r20+,到现在正在考虑加入你的patreon 获得r20+。这个商业模式对你没有害,只有利。因为了恶意散发接触到更多的观众,蛮不错。连波兰的cd projekt red世界排第一的游戏开发商决定在他们辛辛苦苦花几年几百万制作的游戏(包括witcher 3,要出来的cyberpunk 2077)去掉数字版权管理,可是他们比任何游戏开发商赚更多钱。 cheers xiaoding

File list

  • 2007.zip (3.0 GiB)
You can view all fantasy factory leaks (46.14gb) so far on https://www.fantasyfactory.xyz/ 到这个地址观看fantasy factory的46.14gb合集 これまでのFantasyfactoryのリーク(46.14GB)をすべて https://www.fantasyfactory.xyz/ で見ることができます。 It has been updated with 2020/07 leak. 已经更新了2020/07 2020/07リークで更新しました。 cheers
hahahaha, happy fapping
As expected, the e-hentai gallery got nuked. Here are some direct download links: 直接下载链接: ダイレクトダウンロードリンク: wetransfer (two parts: Max upload 2gb) (expires in 7 days): https://we.tl/t-F7sBn8Weol https://we.tl/t-GnvUqJZMqB megaup (expires in 60 days from last download): https://megaup.net/SSci/2007.zip gigafile.nu (slow, 60 days expiry): https://18.gigafile.nu/1116-h5dc036e8cf370b349987bb714f24ebf8 zippyshare (expires in 30 days from last download): 2007.part1.rar https://www76.zippyshare.com/v/2bPfb7Tw/file.html 2007.part2.rar https://www76.zippyshare.com/v/Te7xB8Cq/file.html 2007.part3.rar https://www76.zippyshare.com/v/IoZu0TTK/file.html 2007.part4.rar https://www76.zippyshare.com/v/NFMeuIdJ/file.html 2007.part5.rar https://www76.zippyshare.com/v/kUsSPNVL/file.html 2007.part6.rar https://www76.zippyshare.com/v/v2SPPHeY/file.html 2007.part7.rar https://www76.zippyshare.com/v/XybcLKhq/file.html cheers
Anymore updates? still waiting for the Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov and Dec releases.