A regular release according to the regular schedule, not much else to add.
Generating the `html-*.7z` file is taking longer with every release. Do people use it? Would anyone mind if I provided the same functionality in a different form, such as more Javascript-heavy pages to cut down on the number of html files? Perhaps a script to generate the thumbnails rather than including them in the archive? Would love to get some feedback. (I'm also slightly disappointed that nobody's used that html archive to publish a complete mirror of VNCG on the clearnet. I've made it so easy!)
As usual, my internet connection sucks, so *please* upgrade from the previous torrent if you have that lying around.
This torrent can be downloaded on top of the previous version (20200822) without any changes. You can safely delete `html-20200822.7z` if you aren’t seeding the previous torrent.
**Galleries**: 1,377 (+51)
**Images**: 801,202 (+28,323)
**Uncompressed size**: 265.1 GiB (+25.2)
Not enough gallery uploads for a new torrent, so I'm skipping 20201222.
Here's what the stats would have looked like:
**Galleries**: 1,399 (+22)
**Images**: 808,730 (+7,528)
**Uncompressed size**: 270.5 GiB (+5.4)
I'm still alive, and so is the site.
Haven't done any updates as the uploads have completely dried out in the past months. I see there's been some activity again recently, so I may do a new torrent in the next month or so.
Comments - 4
phohm (uploader)
phohm (uploader)