### 大人気ジュニアアイドル・コモモちゃんのイメージ。多くの隠れファンをもつコモモちゃんの少女らしい表情が満載。無邪気かつ大胆な内容に思わずドキドキ!
### This is an image of the popular junior idol Komomo-chan. It is filled with the girlish expressions of Komomo, who has many hidden fans. The innocent and bold content will make your heart pound!
### Title: こもも | すぽーつ☆コモモ
### English Title: Komomo|Sport☆Komomo
### Catalog Number: BD XIVD-511 DVD XIVD-019
### Release Date: 2015-11-14
### Director:
### Running Time: 89 minutes
### Birthdate:
### Actress : Komomo こもも
### Series:
### Manufacturer: エクシヴ XIV
### Label:
### Genre: Junior Idol
### Format: 1080p MKV + 96K OPUS
### [XIVD-511][XIVD-019] Komomo こもも すぽーつ☆コモモ 1080p x265
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