> OCR : Maruchi Hentai
> Official Translation : ([Coolmic ENG](https://coolmic.me/anime/video_titles/37))
> Edit + Check : Maruchi Hentai
*If there is an error due to the OCR that would have passed even with a check, do not hesitate to report it!*
This version is much better than the other MTL kek.
The next ones will be on time (if the RAW is too)
Discord : https://discord.gg/byDfE5nVE3
Twitter : https://twitter.com/MaruchiH
For those who want to support us:
ltc : `soon`
**Q : Why LQ?**
> A : We don't currently buy RAW (financial reasons), and whoever released it doesn't know how to encode.
We've done our best to turn his rag into something respectable.
We announce that in the future there will no longer be this problem because we buy the WEBs directly.
Sorry again for the wait and the quality more than...
If people keep saying that, some people reading those comments are going to not realize it's a joke and think it's true. And some of those people might decide to take up fansubbing. The vicious cycle continues.
Comments - 2