This seems to crash with an error during an H-scene with Hinata, no clue what is causing it.
`06:54:49 Syntax error (syntax error) at line 1
06:54:49 Un-terminated string/regexp/octet literal at line 1
06:54:49 trace : utils.tjs(682)[(function expression) (anonymous)] <-- utils.tjs(682)[(function) applyInlineStringVariableExtract] <-- mainwindow.tjs(9938)[(function) getSpeechText] <-- mainwindow.tjs(9963)[(function) checkLineVoice] <-- mainwindow.tjs(10925)[(function expression) (anonymous)] <-- conductor.tjs(596)[(function) onTag] <-- conductor.tjs(184)[(function) timerCallback]
06:54:49 致命的なエラーが発生しました。
ファイル : start.ks 行 : 26
タグ : 不明 ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )
Syntax error (syntax error)`
I get this Syntax error on the same spot and skipping past it doesn't do anything, it still triggers the error which means this release is broken, completely unplayable, a damn shame too. Uploaders with trusted status should really be fully testing whatever they're uploading to make sure it works and not upload a broken product.
@hackrabbits That did seem to prevent the error from triggering, I only had to have it set to Japanese for a line or two not for the whole H-Scene, hopefully this doesn't happen again on other routes.
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