#### (Drill Drill Drill !!) ダンジョン&ダークネス 大穴と自由の街エルバーン
`その他 : AI生成作品`
![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/N0D0LYXY/firefox-e5-I0r9ayc2.png "ダンジョン&ダークネス 大穴と自由の街エルバーン")
`(If you like the game, Please buy it to support the developer)`
I could draw(refer Profile Picture), and I have nothing against A.I. doing art...
I mean, if anyone did against it, then they definitely the mob-stereotype of animu-chars.
And soon, without people realize it, they already in a story similar to Robot/AI apocalypses. (jkww)
But, really. Just as how we were not choosing to be born, the AI's would be just in the same situation.
Just stating my personal opinion that nobody cares; not about what is right/should or wrong/shouldn't.
Comments - 6
AkaneHaruka (uploader)