#### (壁尻ミミック) 薬師兄妹のえっちな治験 (`Ver1.21`)
![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/kgb4nWsz/Strip-1.jpg "(壁尻ミミック) 薬師兄妹のえっちな治験 (Ver1.21)")
`(If you like the game, Please buy it to support the developer)`
For me the game working fine. Please make sure there is no special alphabet in the folder location.
![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/wvxZxhpz/image.png "(壁尻ミミック) 薬師兄妹のえっちな治験 (Ver1.21)")
Found out...
In the Windows settings you need to change the region (country and format) to Japanese.
At any other 66% it will only spin. The emulator doesn't help.
Comments - 4
AkaneHaruka (uploader)