### (ドリル) 殻の王国 ver1.11 📒`「早期アクセス」`
`(If you like this game, Please buy it to support the Dev)`
congratulations for sharing 15.2 GB 😨
i thought it was AI at first but then i looked closely and it turns out to be real art
kind of a weird idea to have realistic art style and very anime art style in the same game
The devs said on their Cien blog and DLsite that none of the pictures or CG in this game were made with AI.
But they don't said this game have a Trap . . . . . 🤔
The main character in this game is Y#@! $^%&# @nfgj@h&!$#@nn@ng!! @#^&g@
Comments - 2
AkaneHaruka (uploader)